Sunday, December 26, 2010

Wow, it's been 2 months since I last blogged and at that time, I thought I would be determined to blog daily for at least a couple of months. Especially when I've gotten my camera, I thought my blog would be nicer with picture posts compared to the usual wordy ones. And I doubt anyone would be reading, plus Twitter has got to be the best ! It's on the move anytime anywhere, not that blogger doesn't have an app which we can update but not a very good idea to blog at anywhere.

Life has been good so far, I've been working for 6mths already. Time really flies, friends are all having their own lives, some already in the working society while others still mugging their ass off which will bring them to having higher pay than me! Pathetic. Sigh.

Well, love life wasn't doing very good. It gets rough from time to time, but I guess I can't deny having the best bf ever. Someone who loves me no matter what. I've not been the best gf but I tried. I guess I can never be the best one but he has been trying so hard to make things right. Thank god for him <3

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